Flyna Wiki
Flyna Wiki

Flyna Songs are a list of songs that fit the Flyna relationship. This is a page for any of these songs.

Flyna Songs[]

If you hear a song that reminds you of Flyna, feel free to add it to this list.

Official Flyna Song []

The Official Flyna song hasn't been revealed just yet due to ANT Farm developing but it's possible they'll have a song later on during Season 3 or 4. Although fans consider "My Crush" as the pairings official song because it fits in to Fletcher's secret crush on Chyna, and Chyna maybe developing feelings for him too.

  • It's possibly the one they create about Gibson, since they both wrote it

Other Possible Flyna Songs.[]

  • "I Love You" by Avril Lavingne ~ It relates to the fact romantically or unromantically Chyna and Fletcher can't live without each other and Fletcher revealing to Chyna he loves her.
  • "Perfect Two" by Auburn ~ It relates to flyna because it talks about how they complete eachother because they're so close and Fletcher loves Chyna.
  • "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift- The song relates to the Flyna relationship in a way Fletcher was amused by meeting and Chyna and how only seeing her for a day he fell in love with her.