Flyna Fanfictions are stories written directly about Flyna. They are made-up by the writer, and can be many different subjects: humor, romance, angst, parody, hurt, comfort, etc.You can just add these bellow, and please, no Folive graffiti!
- You Are The Best Thing Thats Ever Been Mine
- ANTimosity
- Shut up and Kiss me
- Always
- Changing Opion
- You Lost Me
- Not So Perfect
- Ant farm
- ANTS at Hogwarts * Mostly Folive, though the author ships Flyna , there are some Flyna moments coming up and one or two Flyna kiss(es). The author plans to do a Flyna story very soon.
- Ant Invasion
- Twice the apology
- Exceptional
- ANT Farm Randomness
- RomANTce
- Sweet Sixteen
- I love her but she can't remember
- You Lost Me
- Totally Crushed
- Not So Perfect
- After 3 Years Of Waiting
- Muse
- ANT Farm in Paris
- ANTics
- That's Just FANTastic