Flyna Wiki

Dechel-Auslly-Flyna Dechel-Auslly-Flyna 19 July 2012


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Caisley4Eva Caisley4Eva 19 May 2012

Dazed and Confuzzled:P

How is it that i'm ranked #2 on this wiki? seriously, i'm not even an admin. The person ahead of me is Celeste(founder). How is this????

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Caisley4Eva Caisley4Eva 26 February 2012

ANT Farm's Season 2

  • 1 Season 2 Fanfiction
    • 1.1 AccusANT- when somebody commits a crime, Chyna is blamed. Fletcher takes the suspention for her, knowing she'd never do it!
    • 1.2 GammANT- Fred guest stars. He wants chyna to join him in a webcast, and later admits a crush. She tells him she's with Fletcher to let him down easy. She does some thing like hugs him to make the story plausable!
    • 1.3 RomANTic- Fletcher and Chyna are incredably nice to eachother. Lexi and Paisley enter an eating contest for a pink convertible
    • 1.4 TransparANT- Olive feels invisible around the love birds, so she hatches a plan to ruin it. She has Alex ask Chyna out. She is so happy, she ignores Fletcher. (Alex is the one that works out) Lexi and Paisley get Cameron to join cheerleading.
    • 1.5 ConfidANT- …
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Caisley4Eva Caisley4Eva 23 February 2012

Flyna Notice

I've heard rumors of a kiss in season two. Did any of you spread it? I need to know if it this is fluck or destiny!

A kiss would be a little gross though, since they're only eleven! Respond. Feel free to post what u think my next blog should be about!

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